geometry felt
Binomial cube
The binomial cube is a sensomotor experience, that supports the development of spatial
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Rechnen Geometrie
- Skills: Auge-Hand-Koordination Abstraktion
- Type of Play: Konstruieren
- Sensitive Period: Sinn für Ordnung
Trinomial cube
The trinomial cube is a sensomotor experience, that supports the development of spatial
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Rechnen Geometrie
- Skills: Auge-Hand-Koordination Abstraktion
- Type of play: Konstruieren
- Sensitive Period: Sinn für Ordnung
(Tile-based) puzzle with three basic forms
Triangles, squares and rhombuses in rainbow colours invite to create new shapes and figures and
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Colors Shapes Patterns Geometry Symmetry
- Skills: Fine motor skills Categorization
- Type of play: Tile-based-game
DIY Spielgaben - endless opportunities to play
Triangles, squares and rhombi in all the colours of the rainbow invite to make ever new
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
Mirror corner
mirror, mirror in the corner... - experience and investigate symetry, geometry and
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Colors Geometry Symmetry
- Skills: Persistence Pincer grip Concentration
- Type of play: free open-ended play
5 littles fishies - feltmat
Five little fishies swimming out to sea - blubb, blubb, blubb, blubb!
10 green bottles - feltmat
10 green bottles hanging on the wall...
5 littles monkes - feltmat
Five little fishies swimming out to sea - blubb, blubb, blubb, blubb!
Incy wincy spider - feltmat
Incy wincy spider crawled up the water spout...
Felt fruits
Felt fruits - perfect for toy shops, play kitchens or matching games and practicing
... -
Felt pizza
A pizza please! - 6 slices of pizza with different toppings to add.
Felt sandwich
Sandwiches with sweet or savoury toppings - to your liking or as ordered
Solar system - quietbookpage
The planets in our solar system - a quiet book following the sewing pattern of ...
Baa baa black sheep - feltmat
Baa baa black sheep - have you any wool?