quantity Geruchssinn
Counting blocks in Montessori colors
1, 2, 3... - Counting and building all in one.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Quantity Building Numbers
- Skills: Control of the Wrist Concentration
- Type of Play: Construction
Couting with stones
Make a game with pepples to assign numbers and quantities. With more oblong stones you can make
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Numbers Quantity
- Skills: Categorization
- Type of play: Matching game
Sinnestabletts - die Sinneskiste in klein
Ein Tablett, Krimskrams und etwas Reis - die Sinneskiste in klein kann auch mit wenig
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Wasser ist das Schönste - nasse Sinneskisten
Wasser ist wohl das einfachste Füllmaterial für eine Sinneskiste.
Schatzkisten zum Wühlen und Sortieren
Wühlen - Sortieren - Dekorieren - Verstecken - Finden
Sensory tray - a small sensorybin
A tray of bits and bobs and a little bit of rice - the sensory bin in small size can also be a
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- senses used: Sense of smell Sense of sight Sense of touch
- Skills: Fine motor skills Pincer grip