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Emil und Mathilda

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A guestpost by Emil und Mathilda - a classic Montessori sensory material, which is very easy to make at home and can always be changed.

These sound cylinders are perfect for children to train their acoustic differentiation of different rattle noises. They are introduced by themselves at first and will be paired later on.

In Mathilda's articel you will find the best way to introduce these sound cylinders to your children..

Füllung für die Dosen

Required materials

Die Dosen im Korb


Divide an even number of canisters or similar containers in two halves.

Mark one half with a red sticky dot the other with a blue one.

Always fill one red and one blue canister with the same materials.

Make a little mark (a number, a dot) at the bottom of the canister to enable an independent control of error for you or your child.

A variety of dried groceries (pasta, lentils, rice) are perfect fillings for the canisters, or other durable items from around the house (pins, pearls, nails)

No time to make your own?

Here's an alternative - but I'm not sure about the quality: Sound cylinders