Magic up a fishing game using felt scrabs, pearls and sequins from the sewing basket. Because I have sewn numbers onto the fish, this can also be used as a counting exercise or by counting the numbers the winner of the fishing game can be determined.
Things needed
- Felt
- Fish templates from cardboard
- Sewing thread
- Scissors, needles
- Sequins
- small beads
- Dowel rod and cord
- small magnets and flat washers

Trace the fish shapes onto a piece of card and cut out. Use adhesive tape to fix the template onto the felt - that way they are easy to cut out. Cut each colour out twice.
Decorate the fishes with sequins, pearls and jarn, take care to decorate the right side (I've learned from my mistake...).
Join together two fish halves each with a blanket stitch and stuff them a little with felt leftovers and stuffing material. Sew in a washer at the mouth.
Fix a piece of string to a wooden stick. Cut two fishing hooks out of grey felt. Join both together with a blanket stitch and sew a magnet in.