Bringing together movement and visual information is a very important step in the development of children. With these play ideas you can support this skill and its development.

Pouring activities
There are many different pouring activities - they build on each other in terms of difficulty
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Filling and pouring
- Skills: Hand-Eye-Coordination Perception Independence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
Syringe and pipette
There are many different transfer exercises with pipettes and syringes - they build on each
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Filling and pouring
- Skills: Hand-Eye-Coordination Perception Independence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
There are many different activities with tongs - they build on each in difficulty level and
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Filling and pouring
- Skills: Hand-Eye-Coordination Perception Independence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
There are many different activities with spoons - they build on each other in levels of
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Filling and pouring
- Skills: Hand-Eye-Coordination Perception Independence
- Type of play: Practical life
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
Binomial cube
The binomial cube is a sensomotor experience, that supports the development of spatial
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Rechnen Geometrie
- Skills: Auge-Hand-Koordination Abstraktion
- Type of Play: Konstruieren
- Sensitive Period: Sinn für Ordnung
Trinomial cube
The trinomial cube is a sensomotor experience, that supports the development of spatial
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Rechnen Geometrie
- Skills: Auge-Hand-Koordination Abstraktion
- Type of play: Konstruieren
- Sensitive Period: Sinn für Ordnung
The 5 vertebrae puzzles
The 5 animal puzzles with one animal each from the five animal kingdoms. The children look for
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Animals Vocabulary
- Skills: Conzentration Fine motor skills Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of play: Jigsaw puzzle
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Language
The invertebrae puzzles
The missing animal puzzles with some animals of the invertebrate animal classes.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Animals Vocabulary
- Skills: Conzentration Fine motor skills Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of play: Jigsaw puzzle
- Sensitive period: Sensitivity for Language
Pasta in a bag
Pasta in all colors and shapes make the most beautiful necklaces.
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Colors Patterns
- Skills: Fine motor skills Pincergrip Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of play: Lacing
Felt loops
Making long lines or chaplets out of felt bands - practising opening and closing buttons, snaps
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Latches
- Skills: Fine motor skills Pincergrip Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of play: Practical life
In and out
Opportunities for the smallest to practise filling and emptying things - and very often, the
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Colors Filling and pouring
- Skills: Fine motor skills Pincergrip Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of play: Peg game
Pinch me
Attaching paperclips to tippy-toes.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Colors
- Skills: Fine motor skills Pincergrip Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of play: Peg game
Sorting sticks
Putting sticks into bags, and out, and in again...
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests:
- Interests: Colors Filling and pouring
- Skills: Fine motor skills Pincergrip Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of play: Sorting game
Lacing blocks
Lacing smooth silk ribbon through different sized thread eyes - training fine motor skills and
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Lacing
- Skills: Conzentration Fine motor skills Hand-eye-coordination
- Art des Spiels: Skill based game
Shades sorting game
'ligther than... and darker than' in the colours of the rainbow
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Shades Colors
- Skills: Fine motor skills Hand-eye-coordination
- Type of play: Peg game
- Sensitiv period: Sensitivity for Order
Rainbow rings
Colourful rings in the colours of the rainbow and lots of possiblities to loop them - all mixed
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Colors
- Skills: Fine motor skills Hand-eye-coordination
- Type of play: Sorting game Peg game
- Sensitiv period: Sensitivity for Order Sensitivity for Movement
Toddler puzzles
First simple puzzles for toddlers - discover sequenzes, fruit, vegetables and rainbows -
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Colors Shapes
- Skills: Concentration Fine motor skills Hand-eye-coordination
- Type of play: Jigsaw puzzle
Fishing game or counting fishies
Colourful glittery fish made from felt - a classic fishing game or as an exersice for
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Numbers Magnetism
- Skills: Fine motor skills Hand-eye-coordination
- Type of play: Skill based game
DIY Light table - IKEA hack
A table with chairs from Ikea, an acrylic sheet and LED-light strips can make an affordable
...Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Colors
- Skills: Hand-eye-coordination Pincer grip
- Type of play: Free open-ended play
Life cycle of a snowdrop
The growth stages of a snowdrop as a layered puzzle.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Plants Vocabulary
- Skills: Concentration fine motor skills Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of Play: Jigsaw puzzle
- Sensitive Period: Sensitivity for Language
Life cycle of a bean
The growth stages of a bean plant as a layered puzzle.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Plants Vocabulary
- Skills: Concentration fine motor skills Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of Play: Jigsaw puzzle
- Sensitive Period: Sensitivity for Language

Life cycle of a painted lady
The life cycle of a painted lady as a layered puzzle.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Plants Vocabulary
- Skills: Concentration fine motor skills Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of Play: Jigsaw puzzle
- Sensitive Period: Sensitivity for Language

Life cycle of a tree frog
The life cycle of a tree frog as a layered puzzle.
Next step: deepening knowlegde, following interests.
- Interests: Plants Vocabulary
- Skills: Concentration fine motor skills Hand-Eye-Coordination
- Type of Play: Jigsaw puzzle
- Sensitive Period: Sensitivity for Language